The Department of Accounting & Finance, having as a main goal the organization of Doctoral Studies of high-quality standards, places special emphasis on them since they are considered an indicator for the evaluation of the level of scientific development of both the University and the country.

Its Doctoral Studies aim to produce a high level of scientific research - emphasizing the publication of scientific work during the research period - and the creation of scientists who contribute to the advancement of education and science. The graduates of the Doctoral Programs will staff the research, business and educational sectors of the country. Doctoral Programs are considered a reflection of academic prestige and international recognition for both the Department and the University.

Doctoral Studies are governed by the Internal Regulations of the Athens University of Economics and Business. The Doctoral Programs of the Athens University of Economics and Business can offer postgraduate students the opportunity to continue their studies -after obtaining the Postgraduate Specialization Diploma- for the acquisition of a Doctoral Diploma. The Doctoral Programs provide specialization in the chief domains and related fields of the Department of Accounting & Finance


PhD students must possess the following qualifications:

• a degree from a Greek university and/or technical institute or a foreign university

• a fully recognized Postgraduate Diploma of Specialization of a Greek University or a foreign degree fully approved and recognized by DOATAP similar to the Department’s fields of study or in a related field

The General Assembly of Special Composition or the Special Interdepartmental Committee may add other criteria, such as research work, examinations, attendance of advanced courses, etc.


If the doctoral candidate meets the requirements, the Doctoral Program focuses on the research & drafting of the Dissertation. The candidate prepares and submits to the General Assembly of Special Composition or the Special Interdepartmental Committee a research proposal where he / she briefly presents the proposed area of research. The Doctoral Thesis must be an important contribution to scientific knowledge. Its originality and contribution to the scientific community is proved by the publication of its chapters/components in scientific journals and proceedings of international conferences, evaluated by committees, during or after its completion.