Teaching and Exams

Teaching, registering for courses and re-assessement

Duration of taught courses

  • Course teaching and examination duration is eight (8) semesters
  • The courses are taught for thirteen (13) weeks every semester
  • Each course is taught for four (4) hours per week
  • Each course has a credit load of six (6) ECTS units and twelve (12) for the Internship project -Thesis

Seminars and Workshops

In most courses, teaching is complemented by special seminars, during which problems are solved and students’ questions are addressed. In the Computer Laboratory, special workshops are organized for courses requiring IT infrastructure.

Course Registration

Course registration takes place twice during the academic year (following an announcement by Department Secretariat concerning the deadline for registering): a) in October (winter semester course registration) and b) in February (spring semester course registration). Registering for courses is mandatory so that i) students can sit for course exams and ii)  academic books are distributed to students who have registered for the said courses.

It is noted that in September students are allowed to take exams only in courses they have already registered  for in the fall and spring semester period of the current academic year.

Course Reassessment 

Students have the right to be reassessed in four (4) courses throughout their studies. Requests for reassessment shall be submitted along with their course registration on a separate form; courses for which they wish to be reassessed should be included in their registration form.

Students who fulfill graduation requirements and apply for graduation automatically forfeit their right to reassessment.

Reassessment applications  are submitted in parallel with the course statements in a separate form and the courses reassessed are included in the course statement.

Exams, Grades and Graduation


At the end of each semester, students take written exams for each course. There are three examination periods:

  • January (written exams for fall semester courses) 
  • June (written exams for spring semester courses) 
  • September (written exams for both fall and spring semester courses)

Marking Scheme

The grade for each course is expressed in the number range from zero (0) to ten (10), including half points. The passing mark is five (5).

The Rating Scale for a degree, which is calculated based on the average of all courses, is as follows:

10 - 8,51 Honours
8,50 - 6,51 Very Good
6,50 - 5 Good