Regional Development and Structural Policies of the EU

Course Code: 
Elective Courses

Number of credits allocated: 6 ECTS Credits

Objective of the course (expected learning outcomes and competences to be acquired)

After successful completion of this course students are expected to be able to:

  • explain and analyse the spatial aspects of economic activity.
  • understand and describe the determinants of regional development and policy, particularly in the EU.
  • compare regions in relation to growth and development in a historical perspective.
  • formulate policy proposals for regional economic problems.
  • evaluate the roles and interrelationships of local, regional, national and supranational actors and institutions in regional development and policy.
  • search for, compare and interpret regional, national and international economic, social and political indicators provided by official sources like EUROSTAT in order to assess regional disparities and relevant policies to reduce these differences.
  • collect, process and assess data by using mathematical, statistical and econometric analytical tools.
  • question and evaluate the impact of the various forms of capital (physical, natural, financial, human, social and cultural capital), as well as the impact of factors such as innovation, creativity, and technology on regional development and the reduction of regional disparities.
  • combine and apply concepts and methods from different fields and disciplines.
  • prepare an assessment in which they are called upon to collect, compare and process regional EU data, in order to evaluate the nature and extent of regional disparities in the EU and make policy recommendations to reduce them.
  • combine abilities of acting independently, taking responsibility, being creative, operating as a team, and taking active part in processes of local and regional development and policy-making, not only as professionals or researchers, but also as citizens and EU programme beneficiaries.

Prerequisites: None

Course contents

The course analyses regional disparities within the European Union (EU), as well as the policies implemented by the EU in cooperation with Member States, local authorities and communities to deal with these inequalities. Regional disparities within the EU reflect significant differences across regions in relation to income and unemployment. They have adverse economic, social and political effects on the process of European integration, not only because they hamper the adjustment of the less developed countries, but also undermine social consensus and solidarity among Member States. The course is divided into two cycles and four sections.

CYCLE 1: Field of study and theories of regional development and policy (Weeks 1-5)

     SECTION 1: Dimensions of regional development and structural policy in the EU (Weeks 1-2)
     SECTION 2: Theories of regional development and policy (Weeks 3-5)

CYCLE 2: Regional disparities and regional policy in the EU (Weeks 7-13)

    SECTION 3: Regional disparities in the EU (Weeks 7-8)
    SECTION 4: EU Regional Policy (Weeks 9-13)

Recommended reading

  • Regional Development, S. Polizos, Kritiki Publishers (in Greek).
  • Regional Development in Greece, G Petrakos, J Psicharis, Kritiki 2016

Teaching methods

Classroom lectures, Literary analysis, Interactive teaching, Essays/reports.

Assessment methods

Formative evaluation, Concluding evaluation, Written examination at the end of the semester, Midterm exam, Project.

Language of instruction
