External Relations of the EU

Course Code: 
Specialization Courses
B. International and European Political Economy

Type of course: Compulsory for the specialization “International and European Political Economy”

Number of credits allocated: 6 ECTS Credits

Objective of the course 

  • Understanding of the key institutional and political actors and processes in the formation of the EU foreign policy
  • Analysis of the EU relations with countries, international organizations, and regions
  • Familiarization with the external aspects of sectoral EU policies.

Prerequisites: None

Course contents

1. Institutional and political framework of the EU external relations system:
2. Lisbon Treaty, EU External Action Service, diplomatic system of the EU
3. Bilateral and multilateral relations of the EU with:
      a. Countries (USA, BRIC) International organizations (UN, WTO, IMF)
      b. Regions and regional organizations (ASEAN,MERCOSUR, AU)
4. Horizontal and sectoral policies:
     a. Security and defence
     b. Enlargement and European Neighborhood Policy
     c. Energy and Environmental Policies
     d. Migration Policy
     e. International Aid and Development

Recommended reading

  • External Relations of the EE, S.Blavoukos/D.Bourantonis/K. Tsakonas, Sideris Editions, 2019
  • European Integration, Verni Souzanna, Antonis Kontis, Papazisis Ediotions, Athens 2017 2017

Teaching methods: Lectures, seminars.

Assessment methods:  Final written exam (70%), optional assignments and presentations

Language of instruction: Greek