Comparative Politics and Government

Course Code: 
Specialization Courses
B. International and European Political Economy

TYPE OF COURSE : Compulsory for the specialization “International and European Political Economy”

Number of credits allocated: 6 ECTS Credits

Objective of the course (expected learning outcomes and competences to be acquired

  • Understanding basic concepts of political science in the field of comparative politics and government.
  • Employing these concepts in the analysis and understanding of contemporary social, political and economic phenomena, with an emphasis on developed liberal democracies.
  • Comparing and evaluating different systems of organization of politics and governance in contemporary states.

Prerequisites: None

Course contents

  • STATES AND REGIMES: Democracy – Authoritarian rule.
  • POLITICAL MOBILIZATION: Political culture – Political communication – Political participation – Elections and voters – Political parties – Interest groups.
  • GOVERNMENT AND GOVERNANCE: Multilevel governance.
  • PUBLIC POLICY: Policy making – Political economy.

Recommended reading

  • R. Hague and M. Harrop, Comparative Government and Politics: An Introduction, Palgrave Macmillan.  
  • M.G. Roskin et al., Political Science: An Introduction, London, Pearson.

Teaching methods


Assessment methods

Final written exam (100%). Active participation in class will also be taken into account.

Language of instruction : Greek