Degree Program
The department equips graduates with high quality scientific training and multifaceted skills. Students acquire advanced knowledge in the areas of marketing and business communication along with a solid basis on business administration and economics.
Requirements and regulations
In order to obtain their undergraduate degree, students must successfully complete forty courses, plus five courses in one of the foreign languages that are taught at the University. The possible methods of completing courses are through: successful examination, exemption, recognition of equivalence or Erasmus.
Program of studies
The academic program consists of forty courses, thirty of which are mandatory courses and ten of which are elective courses reflecting the specialization of studies that a student chooses to follow. In addition students must complete five courses in one of the three foreign languages that are taught at the University: English, French and German. All courses have equal weight and each course is taught for four hours a week for one academic semester (13 weeks). Some courses include one or two additional hours per week for laboratory exercises designed to help students better understand the course material.
At the beginning of their fourth year of studies, students choose one of the following specializations:
- International Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Human Resource Management
- Business Analytics
- Digital Marketing
It should be noted that the degree awarded is the same for all students of the Department. The specialization is not written on the diploma but it appears on the student’s transcript.
Students of the Department have the opportunity to participate in the Erasmus Program as well as in the Internship Program, which offers work experience in various organizations and businesses. In addition, students can elect to participate in an optional program in Education and Teaching.